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Switzerland   B&T

 B&T (ID 48)

B&T AG, B&T USA, Brügger & Thomet, Brugger+Thomet, Bruegger & Thomet, Brugger & Thomet AG

Formerly Brügger & Thomet AG the company has operated as B&T AG since 2011.

In 2015 B&T announced three new firearms, the TP380, P29, and KH9.

DSArms was the original exclusive importer of B&T products into the United States. In 2013 Armati Imports began importing parts again, until B&T started sister company B&T USA to self-import into the United States.

At the time of this writing (2014 September 20) B&T USA is currently waiting for approvals to import pistol variants of the APC series of firearms. B&T USA also plans to make B&T suppressors locally with the original specs and materials of the Swiss counterparts.

In Canada, parts are imported by Wolverine Supply.


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Firearm Models
KH9 9x19mm
P26 9x19mm
TP380 .380 Auto
TP9 9x19mm
TP9-US 9x19mm